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    Cloud VPS vs Managed VPS - Which One Is Best?

    If you are planning on creating a website for your business, one of the first choices you will make is the web host and the hosting package that goes with it.

    A web host is a service provider that supplies the technology that is needed in order to store and view your website on the internet. There are various types of hosting packages for different needs, including the highly popular VPS hosting (Virtual Private Server)

    As the name suggests, VPS means that you have a virtual server to yourself, without sharing resources in the same way you would when using a shared hosting package, for example. 

    There are two types of VPS hosting package types available: cloud VPS and managed VPS. Both of these are different, therefore it is best to learn how each of them works before making your choice. 

    What Is A Cloud VPS?

    When it comes to choosing a hosting solution for your business, cloud hosting is a popular choice. This type of hosting is cloud-based, meaning that a network of remote servers is used to store, manage, and process your data. 

    The key benefit of this dispersed model is its performance. Seeing as it uses resources from multiple servers, a website will be able to change servers if and when it is needed, to create a seamless delivery of data.

    What Is A Managed VPS?

    Managed VPS is a more traditional type of hosting but is useful in its own right. Using this type of VPS, various systems are working in tandem under one server. Therefore, this server operates in a particular area but the usage is broken down into pieces.

    When users share one server, their information is their own and others sharing the system cannot access it. The element of privacy and security makes this type of hosting stand out. 

    The Main Difference 

    In essence, though the main goals of these two types - managed and cloud VPS hosting - are the same, there is a difference too. The difference lies in the very framework of their making: who shares it. Indeed, while the former works on the basis of a single server system, the latter has no such limitation.  

    Using a cloud VPS, users can individually access the cloud server from anywhere with internet access. Whereas, to access a managed VPS, there is one physical server system. This key difference will define who the target audience will be for each hosting type. 

    While managed VPS cuts one server into individual portions, a cloud VPS takes these portions and joins them under one network. When you are choosing which hosting method you prefer, you should take this into account. As is often the case, the trade-off is between security and performance; with the former being emphasized in the managed variety, and the latter being the focus in cloud hosting. 

    Which One Should You Choose?

    Before deciding which one you wish to go for, there are some factors you should consider. These include things like the goals of the hosting server, the scope, and the scalability plans in the near future. 

    Here are the main decision areas you should think about:

    • Scalability - If you are wondering how large storage can get with cloud hosting, you will be pleased to know that there is no limit. Given how big the expanse of the cloud system is, the number of machines that can access it is impressive. You can choose a package and increase the amount of memory necessary at your convenience. On the other hand, managed VPS is not that vast, and it covers a limited number of individuals as defined by a fixed amount of physical space. 
    • Security - When it comes to your online presence, data, and intellectual property, security is important under a shared network. To be specific, while both the aforementioned use a shared server, managed VPS allows workers to cut away their own and work individually. However, cloud VPS uses the internet, which is not the most secure choice in many users’ opinions. 
    • Performance - As far as performance goes, cloud VPS is the better alternative as the reach of it is unlimited. When using a managed VPS, if a server breaks down, it can have a domino effect and affect every machine. 

    Summing Up

    Overall, the two types of VPS hosting services have their own unique advantages and both are successful choices. The cloud-based hosting solution works by integrating a vast number of users, while the managed variety works in a limited, but secure space. Therefore, knowing these characteristics will help you understand which one suits your company model and operation. If you are wondering where to find cloud hosting, you will be glad to know that many providers today offer this option, alongside traditional managed VPS packages.